How do I edit a budget's duration?

Edit a budget's duration in order to adjust the start, the end and the days included within your budget

Marius Ekerholt avatar
Written by Marius Ekerholt
Updated over a week ago

The first step is to click on Manage at the bottom left corner of SalesScreen.

A menu will pop up, where you can proceed to click on Budgets or Quotas under the Company headline:

If your budget is currently ongoing, locate your budget on the list of current budgets and click the corresponding Pencil button:

If your budget is upcoming, locate your budget on the list of upcoming budgets and click on the corresponding Pencil edit button:

You'll be shown the Budget detail.
To select a timeframe within the calendar

  • click on the first day

  • hold and drag the cursor on to the last day

  • release.

To unselect a specific day within your budget timeframe (for example weekends, red days,…): 

  • Windows: Ctrl + left click

  • macOS: ctrl + left click

Once you have edited your budget timeframe, click the Update button:

If you want the budget changes to be reflected in your slides on screen, you should manually reload your screens.

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